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Board Index > Site Stuff > Introductions > Heyo! Draegon here!
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Heyo! I'm Draegon, and I happened to stumble upon this glorious comic while browsing Webtoon the other day. I've always loved stories with talking animals, especially floofy ones! I read everything as soon as I could, and so far I absolutely love the story! Though I do hope Ronan is doing alright, he's bound to notice that Starlight is missing... The action scenes were great, the art quality is phenomenal, and the story is riveting. I can't wait to see what comes next! :D
P.S. heh I originally wrote this while posting was broken, and completely forgot about it xd. Well now it's up, better late than never.
P.S. heh I originally wrote this while posting was broken, and completely forgot about it xd. Well now it's up, better late than never.

~ I'm FlyingDrægon ! Nice to meetcha!

~ I'm FlyingDrægon ! Nice to meetcha!
Glad to have you here in Hybridors little (dead) slice of the internet!I hope you enjoy your stay here ^^
Oh no worries...Ronan knows...but I cannot confirm or deny how well off he doing from the news~
Oh no worries...Ronan knows...but I cannot confirm or deny how well off he doing from the news~
In my defense, if my butt could make it so you of all people couldn't yank something out from under it, then I consider that a valuable asset...
...HA! Get it? @ss...et...yeah that was lame.
...HA! Get it? @ss...et...yeah that was lame.